Don't wait until a storm is threatening you! Know ahead of time how to respond! These steps will help get you through:
1. Have an outage kit handy
Your outage kit should be prepared ahead of time and should contain the following items:
Working flashlight
Battery-powered radio
Extra batteries
Outage numbers
Candles and matches (never leave a candle unattended)
Standard touch-tone phone (not cordless)
Fully charged cell phone
2. Report your outage and any details you know
When there is a major storm, Dakota Valley receives a high volume of calls and has an automated call handling system with voice recognition capability to help make the process of reporting an outage faster and easier in these situations. If your call is answered by this system, an automated phone attendant will walk you through the process of reporting the outage.
Be sure to report anything you are aware of that may have caused the outage, such as a tree on the line or lines on the ground. The automated attendant allows you to leave a voice message if you have further details such as this to report.