Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative offers off-peak energy at discounted prices.
Dakota Valley offers off-peak rates for:
Electric heat with a qualified back-up heating system - by installing an off-peak electric heating system and agreeing that it may be controlled, or shut off during periods of peak energy use, Dakota Valley members may qualify for the cooperative's lowest electric heat rate, which is currently 5.5 cents per kWh - for a savings of 50% off the regular rate.
Electric water heaters - Dakota Valley offers off-peak savings programs for water heaters depending on the size of your water heater. You can sign up for a $5 credit per month, a $6 credit per month or have a sub-meter installed and receive a 3 cents per kWh credit for energy used by your water heater.
Low-temperature grain drying systems- Dakota Valley offers two off-peak programs. The savings are 1 cent per kWh for the Moderate Control program and 3 cents per kWh for the Full Control program.
Irrigation - Dakota Valley offers a demand credit per KW on irrigators' monthly bill who agree to have their system controlled during the irrigation season.
Dakota Valley also offers a special ELECTRIC HEAT RATE for members who have electric heat, but who do not have a qualifying backup, or no backup at all.
Members who choose to participate in the ELECTRIC HEAT RATE will receive a lower rate for their electric heat, which is currently 7 cents per kWh - for a savings of 36% off the regular rate.
For complete details, call (800) 342-4671.